Barco Locks is a locksmith company in Portland, Texas specializing in real estate property re-keys and rental code compliance. With years of experience and a dedication to customer satisfaction, we are your trusted partner for property lock work in and around the areas of:
- Portland
- Corpus Christi
- Ingleside
- Aransas Pass, and
- Rockport
We are licensed professionals who understand the unique lock and security requirements landlords need. We also strive to control costs, an ever increasing challenge for property owners.
Real Estate Property Re-keys
All rekeys include new key code, lock lubrication, and alignment to door strikes.
Rental Code Compliance
Stay compliant with Texas rental regulations with our rental code compliance service. Inspections, parts, and installation available upon request.
Lock Repairs
Many lock malfunctions are repairable at less cost than replacement.
(361) 960-4994
Are there height requirements for keyless deadbolts?
Keyless deadbolts on rental property exterior doors are to be installed between 36 inches and 48 inches from the floor.
Do you service vehicles?
We do not work on automobiles, safes, etc. We concentrate our equipment, parts, and training strictly to real estate needs so we can keep our prices budget friendly for realtors, landlords, and property owners.
Is a keyless deadbolt REALLY required on rental property door to attached garage?
Sadly, yes. And a peep hole also!
Exactly WHAT is the sliding glass door requirement for rental property?
The easiest way to explain it… there are THREE types of locks on a patio slider:
1) the original latch at the handle.
2) a ‘charlie bar’.
3) a ‘pin’ that inserts into the frame.
The Texas Occupational Code says: At least 2 of these 3 must be on the sliding door. And one of those two MUST be the pin. In other words: You can have the original latch plus a pin;or you can have a Charlie bar plus a pin. There are several types of ‘pins’. We look at each patio door and determine the least obstructive method and most economical solution.